blossom into sensible and colourful for full stop And
perhaps <comma> then <comma> one should
descend beneath the clothes dash one should perhaps reach the flesh itself <comma> and then one would see that in some
cases even the body itself turns its own utopian power <comma> the body turns its own utopian power against
itself <comma> allowing all the space of the religious and the
sacred <comma> all the space
of the other world <comma> all the
space of the counter world <comma> to enter into the space that is reserved for it so
the body <comma> then <comma> in its materiality <comma> in its flesh <comma> would
be like the product of its own phantasms full stop after all <comma> isn’t
the body of the dancer precisely the body dilated along an entire space that is
both exterior and interior to it question mark [And the]
Produced and Curated by: Helena Koukouvitaki // Oscar Robinson // Issy Tessier // Madeleine Wynne